10 tips for those who love to travel solo

Travelling alone is both fun and adventurous. Whether it’s booking flight tickets, meeting new people, exploring unseen places or being one’s own guide, you can master the art of travelling alone by keeping some basic things in mind before you get started on your excursion.

Pack light

Since you won’t have anyone along who can keep an eye on your luggage, it’s best to pack and travel light. Try to limit yourself to a knapsack and a trolley suitcase. Also, lock your belongings properly. Keep your credit cards and cash separately and not with other belongings.

Pick the right destination

As a solo traveller make sure you pick the right destination. Research and pinpoint the places that you want to explore and select the one where you have a variety of places to see and things to do. This will ensure that you never feel bored.

Do your research

Before setting off on a solo adventure, read up on your destination. Save maps and directions on your phone, so that you do not have to rely on people to get from one place to another. If you have special dietary requirements, for instance if you are vegan or vegetarian, you should find out places in advance where you can get a meal of your choice.

Book the right accommodation

Since you are travelling alone, you can choose a hostel, homestay, B&B or a budget hotel to save on expenses. You’ll be charged per bed and not per room if you opt for a hostel. International hostels are generally reliable, secure and clean and open to travellers of all ages.

“Must-have” documents

Always carry all your important documents with you while travelling, whether it is the number of your travel insurance or ID proof. Also, don’t forget to scan and save a copy on your phone. In case you have an allergy or a particular medical condition, it is a good idea to inscribe this on a metal bracelet and wear it at all times. In case you run into a medical emergency, the doctors and nurses will know how to treat you.

Travelling alone at night

It is always best to inform your hotel, friends and family members about your whereabouts. Make arrangements for transport especially if you are travelling far. Check with the locals or your hotel on whether the place you are heading to is safe or not. Dress appropriately and avoid carrying too much cash. Also, never leave your drink unattended at a bar.

The local language can be of great help

No one is asking you to master another language but learn basic greetings and jargons that can serve useful when in a jam. You could also install a local language translator app on your phone.

Stay in touch with friends and family

Don’t forget to message, call, or mail your near and dear ones periodically while you are exploring your desired stopover. Keeping in touch not only helps you stay safe but also lifts your spirits whenever you are feeling low.

Be confident and don’t act like a tourist

Avoid standing clueless on a street corner with a huge guidebook or map in your hand. The key is to look and stay confident. In case you need to consult a map, always go into a shop or doorway.

Don’t plan too much for a day

Take a stroll through winding streets or sip a coffee at a sidewalk cafe instead of packing yourself up with an exhaustive list of “things-to-do”. This way you’ll get some time to reflect on your experiences.

Be safe and make the most of your journey while travelling alone. Do share your experience with us and add more tips if you think something is missing. Happy journey!