Can an Infant Travel in Flight?

A very commonly and frequently asked question by parents is, ‘can babies travel on flight?’ The answer is, yes, infants can travel on flights, but a few important points must be considered:

  1. Age Restrictions: Although most airlines allow infants as old as a few days old, there are a few that might require the baby to be at least 2 weeks old before they can take a flight. So reach out to the airline you wish to fly with and confirm before booking a flight
  2. Tickets: Another frequently asked question is ‘can infants travel in flight without a ticket?’ Infants can travel on a flight without a ticket till the age of 2 years. Till then, the infant can be seated on the lap of either of the parents/guardian/caregiver.
  3. Documentation: While travelling with an infant, make sure all the documents are handy like birth certificate or passport, depending on whether you are flying domestic or international.
  4. Seating: Whenever the seatbelt sign is on, the parents/guardians must ensure that the infant is placed safely in their lap especially during takeoff and landing. You can also connect with your airlines to see if infant seats or bassinet is available on the flight for the baby and put a request in advance if required.
  5. Health Considerations: Always take approval from your infant’s pediatrician before taking a flight, especially for a long duration flight or for destinations that have higher altitude. This is important as travelling in a flight can have various issues like ear pressure, hydration and other health concerns for the baby.

Overall, if you prepare and plan in an organised manner, infants can travel safely on a flight considering all guidelines and policies are kept in mind and the baby is comfortable and safe.