Can we postpone flight tickets?

Yes, you can postpone flight tickets but this completely depends on the airlines’ policy. If you wish to know how to postpone flight tickets, you first need to understand the airline’s policies and also the type of ticket you have booked. If you have opted for flight tickets that come with options like flexibility to change with/without fees. You can contact your airline or check the terms and conditions to know the options available for you.

Here are a few additional details for you:

Flexible tickets: The option of flexible tickets is offered by some airlines. This allows you to book a flight ticket with the option to change your travel dates without paying anything but the price of such tickets are on the higher side as compared to non-flexible ones.

Non-refundable tickets: A non-refundable ticket might still allow you to make changes but this can have a fee attached to it. This fee is dependent on the airline and fare rules related to your ticket.

Refundable tickets: If you have purchased a refundable ticket, you can get a full or partial amount back as a refund as per the airline policy.

Online charges: Few airlines allow you to change the booking online through the app or web login. This is always a convenient option without the hassle of contacting the airline.

Contact the airline: If you are not sure about how to go about the process of changing the ticket that is unavailable online, it is best to get in touch with the airline directly. This will help you get personalized assistance along with details like fees, restrictions, etc. about changing your flight.

Whenever you wish to postpone your flight, always remember to keep your booking ID and travel dates ready. This will make the process quick and efficient.

Also, if you opt for ixigo’s Assured Flex, you get free cancellation and instant rescheduling on all domestic flight bookings. This includes either a one-time no-questions-asked refund on cancellation or a one-time free rescheduling that includes a change of date, airline and sector (origin & destination).