When are the Flight Tickets Cheapest?

Planning to travel anytime soon? If yes, finding the cheapest flights can be a challenging task, but with the right timing and strategy, it’s very much possible to score a great deal.

The timing of when you book your flights can play a significant role in determining the price you pay for the ticket. Read below to know about when to find cheap flights and some helpful tips for saving money on your next trip.

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1. Book Your Flights Early 

The general rule of thumb is to book your flights as early as possible. This is because when airlines first release their tickets, is the time when flight tickets are the cheapest. As the departure date approaches, the prices tend to increase, especially during peak travel times. So, if you know when and where you want to travel, it’s always a good idea to start looking for flights as soon as possible.

2. Last-minute Booking

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you’re flexible with your travel dates, you may be able to opt for cheap flight booking at the last minute. Airlines often offer discounted fares to fill up empty seats, especially during off-peak travel times. So, if you’re willing to take a chance, you may be able to find a great deal on a flight just a few days before departure.

3. Best Day & Time to Book a Flight

Another factor to consider is the days when flights are the cheapest. According to a study, the cheapest day to book a flight is on a Tuesday. This is because airlines tend to release their new fares on Monday evenings, and other airlines may match those prices on Tuesday. So, if you’re looking for the best deal, try to book your flights on a Tuesday.

In addition to the day of the week, it is also important when to book flights for the best price. According to the same study, the best time to book a flight is in the afternoon, preferably around 3 pm EST. This is because many airlines release their new fares in the morning, and by the afternoon, other airlines may have matched those prices or even lowered them. So, if you’re looking for the best deal, try to book your flights in the afternoon.

Another factor to consider is the time of year you plan to travel. Peak travel times, such as holidays and school breaks, tend to have higher fares than off-peak times. If you’re flexible with your travel dates, try to avoid traveling during these peak times to save money on your flights.

3. Use Incognito Mode

Have you ever noticed that every time you visit a website to book flight tickets, the airfare is increased? It is because these websites use your cookies and server information and show you higher airfares the minute it detects that you are visiting the website for the second time after a few days.

To save yourself from this and book flights when cheapest, use the private browsing mode/incognito mode in Chrome browsers. Clear the cookies or just access the website from a new browser or machine if you are using the browser as it is intended to be used.

5. Airlines Sales

You should also keep an eye on airline sales and promotions. Airlines often offer discounted fares during certain times of the year, such as Black Friday, Festival Sales, etc. By subscribing to airline newsletters and following them on social media, you can stay informed about when are flight tickets cheapest and take advantage of them to save money on your flights.

In addition to airline promotions, you can also use travel search engines and aggregator websites to find the best deals on flights. These websites search multiple airlines and travel agencies to find the lowest fares and offer convenient features such as price alerts and flexible date searches.

6. Most Expensive Days

Fridays and Sundays usually cost more. Fares usually will be at their highest on Fridays and Sundays as that’s when most passengers fly around major holidays. So, if you want to go light on your pocket then days barring Sundays and Fridays are when flight tickets are the cheapest.

7. Travel Reward Credit Cards

Finally, consider using a travel rewards credit card to earn points or miles that can be redeemed for free flights or upgrades. Many travel rewards credit cards offer sign-up bonuses and earn rates that can help you earn free flights faster. Just be sure to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid accruing interest charges.

In conclusion, when to book flights for the best price depends on these many factors. The most convenient being as early as possible, especially if you’re traveling during peak travel times. However, if you’re flexible with your travel dates and willing to take a chance, you may be able to find a better deal by booking last-minute flights. Be sure to book your flights on a Tuesday afternoon, use travel search engines to find the best deals, and consider using a travel rewards credit card to earn free flights.

So, from the next time onwards, make the extra effort to keep these pointers in the mins and make a booking. You will undoubtedly save a big amount by using these points. 

Travel safely, everyone!