Railways to Upgrade Waiting Rooms with Modern Facilities

Good news for passengers! The wait of that much-delayed train might now become bearable as Indian railways’ waiting rooms are all set for a revamp. With facilities like TVs, beverage dispensing machines and light refreshments, these waiting rooms will endow you with a comfortable experience.

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As a pilot project, the Delhi Division has been asked to handle the upgradation of its waiting rooms by providing modern facilities for passengers.

A set of instructions sent from the railways’ transformation cell to the Northern Railway general manager said, “The Delhi Division will undertake a pilot project for upgradation of waiting rooms with modern facilities for dispensing beverages, light refreshments, TVs, upgraded furniture, toilet facilities and other prescribed amenities and services under PPP mode through open bidding process.”

The division has also been asked to conduct this project for three months and then present an elaborate evaluation report to the Railway Board for consideration.

A senior railway official said, “Passengers have to wait in waiting rooms for hours sometimes, especially during foggy weather when trains get delayed indefinitely. So, equipping the waiting room is just to make the passengers comfortable during the long wait.”

Once, the division implements the project successfully, the board might issue instructions to replicate the model across the railway network, officials said.