Since you’re reading this, I assume you won’t be lacking inspiration when it comes to travel. Yet, if you feel that it’s time to stow away your backpack and turn into an armchair traveller to satiate the travel bug, read this. Five amazing travellers who’ll leave you awestruck with their bravery, sheer guts to explore and unearth even the remotest of lands. And water.
Meet the best of adventurers, travellers. Cheers.
1) Kira Salak – The Adventure Queen
Voyages Include – Papua New Guinea, Rawanda, Libya, Uganda, Peru, Madagascar, Iran, Alaska, Bhutan, Timbuktu (yes, it is for real).
Travel Quotient – In her words, “There is something to be said for the challenge of going where most people don’t want to travel. I find that such unfamiliar places fuel my imagination.”

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2) Ibn Battuta – One of the first world travellers
Voyages Include – Italy to Indonesia!, Timbuktu to Shanghai. More than 44 countries in total! His travel tales include pirate attacks, getting mugged, abducted and going without food for weeks. He was an expert storyteller too.
Travel Quotient – “Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
3) Michael Palin – Three cheers for TV world’s most loved traveller
If you don’t know Michael Palin, you are missing some of the most fascinating and best travel documentaries and shows. A man, who made travel sound like the coolest word around, he has a travel portfolio that I’m literally envious of.

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Voyages Include – the Himalayas, across the Sahara, one hell of a trip covering both the poles, and yes, he even took a trip around the world in 80 days. True that.
Travel Quotient – In his words, “Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life”.
4) Fridtjof Nansen – the Godfather of travelling

Photo Courtesy – Deviant Art
Voyages Include – Skied across Norway, travelled to Greenland and went further than any human had ever been.
Travel Quotient – The first human to cross the Arctic Ocean and Greenland’s ice cap, Nansen is perhaps one of the bravest travellers ever. He never let a simple casualty happen during his expeditions as an oceanographer and skier. An asteroid was name in his honour! Need I say more?
5) Bimal Mukherjee – India’s first globetrotter
Photo Courtesy – Wiki Commons
Voyages Include – A world tour; Bimal Mukherjee is the first Indian to have circumnavigated the world on a bicycle. His expedition continued from the year 1926 to 1937. Wrote a fascianting account of his journey in a book titled Du Chakai Duniya.
Travel Quotient – A trendsetter, Bimal Mukherjee cycled in the bitter December cold of Bohemian Alps, wearing flannel shirt. In his words, “We are carrying the sun rays from India!”
If you think you still need more inspiration to not pack away that backpack, drop a comment below and we’ll send you more such fascinating stories.
Till then, happy travelling.
About the author
Shikha Gautam, she loves to play with steering wheels, roads, words, flute and guitar among other things. Not necessarily in that order! You can contact her on twitter @ShikhaGautam