Colombo to Dibrugarh Flight Tickets
Direct flights from Colombo to Dibrugarh are offered by several airlines, including Air India, SriLankan, IndiGo. These flights usually take around 11h 20m. Connecting flights will typically add another 1-2 hours onto your travel time, but may offer more flexibility (and possibly even lower price) depending on your specific routing. Save on non-stop flights, last minute flights, and cheap flights by booking through ixigo.
Book different flight classes (depending on availability): Economy, Premium Economy, First, and Business Class on CMB to DIB Flights. The date of the cheapest flight price for a Colombo Dibrugarh flight ticket is undefined. Get FULL INSTANT REFUNDS on canceling your flight with 'ixigo assured' fares. No documentation is required, No questions are asked. Make your flight booking. You can also browse our international flights booking page and book flights to international destionations.
How to book Colombo to Dibrugarh flights on ixigo?
- Log in or sign up on the ixigo flights app or website.
- Enter Colombo as the origin city and Dibrugarh as the destination city, the departure date, the return date (optional), the number of passengers and the travel class.
- A list of airlines will appear. Sort the flights by applying the filters.
- Select a flight and then click on the “Book” button.
- Review the flight details and charges. Use an ixigo coupon to avail discounts.
- Next, enter the passenger(s) details.
- Select the Payment option, make the payment and you are done!
You will receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number and email.
Colombo to Dibrugarh Flight Schedule and Timings
What is the Baggage Policy for a Colombo Dibrugarh Flight?
The baggage policy varies with the ticket class. To know the current baggage allowance, click on Flight Detail at the bottom of every listed flight on our search results page while booking your air ticket from Colombo to Dibrugarh. Then, refer to the Baggage tab to get information on check-in luggage and cabin baggage.
Here is a comprehensive overview of the general baggage rules for flights between Colombo and Dibrugarh
Carry-On Baggage:
Most airlines allow a maximum of 7 kg for carry-on baggage per passenger, including laptops.
Dimensions should typically not exceed 55 cm x 35 cm x 25 cm.
Checked Baggage:
The standard checked baggage allowance is generally 15 kg for domestic flights.
Some airlines offer higher limits (up to 25 kg) for premium classes or frequent flyer members.
Refunds and Cancellation Policy for Colombo to Dibrugarh Flight
How to web check-in for my upcoming Colombo to Dibrugarh flight?
- Click on the ‘Web Check-in’ option on the booking confirmation page.
- Fill out the web check-in form with required details.
- Select your preferred seat(s) or the airline will auto-assign random seats.
- Submit the form, and you are done.
The boarding pass will be sent to you via WhatsApp and added to your Apple Wallet once the check-in is complete.