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NTV GKP PASS 55070 Train

Runs on: SMTWTFS
Kaptanganj Jn
2hr 50min
17 Stops
Thawe Jn

NTV GKP PASS 55070 Train Information

NTV GKP PASS (55070) train runs from Kaptanganj Jn to Thawe Jn. This passenger train covers a distance of about 99 km. The fare classes on 55070 train are . The following train ticket quotas are available on NTV GKP PASS: GN,TQ,SS,LD.

NTV GKP PASS 55070 Train Details

Service Days Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
Duration2hr 50min

NTV GKP PASS 55070 Schedule, Routes & Time Table

Train no. 55070 NTV GKP PASS is one of the major trains on this route for travellers. It starts from Kaptanganj Jn station and ends at Thawe Jn. Due to its 18 stoppage stations, the total time taken by this train is around 2hr 50min. You can easily book train tickets at ixigo for any stations between Kaptanganj Jn and Thawe Jn and enjoy amazing deals.
Stn CodeStn NameArrivesDepartsStop timeDistancePlatformRouteDayAvg delay
CPJKaptanganj Jnstarts14:40-0-11On Time
MTBGMathia Barghat14:4814:491min5 km111On Time
LIJLakshmiganj14:5514:561min9 km-11On Time
RKLRamkola15:0315:041min16 km-11On Time
BAGJBarharagani15:1315:141min24 km111On Time
POUPadrauna15:2215:231min31 km-11On Time
KKTKath Kuiyan15:3315:341min39 km-11On Time
CHAFChaf Halt15:4215:431min44 km111On Time
DUEDudahi15:5916:001min50 km-11On Time
GSRMGauri Shri Ram H16:0716:081min56 km-11On Time
TOITamkuhi Road16:1616:171min62 km-11On Time
TRJTariasujan16:2716:281min71 km-11On Time
TPVTinpheria16:3416:351min75 km111On Time
JGPJalalpur16:4116:421min80 km111On Time
SPYASipaya16:4716:481min83 km111On Time
SSUSasa Musa16:5416:551min88 km-11On Time
NKBRNarkatia Bazar17:0217:031min93 km111On Time
THEThawe Jn17:30ends-99 km-11On Time

NTV GKP PASS 55070 Train FAQ

Q. How much distance does NTV GKP PASS 55070 cover?

A. NTV GKP PASS 55070 covers a distance of 99 km.

Q. When does NTV GKP PASS 55070 reach Thawe Jn?

A. As per Kaptanganj Jn to Thawe Jn train time table 55070, NTV GKP PASS arrives at Thawe Jn at .

Q. What is the total number of stations that NTV GKP PASS 55070 passes through?

A. NTV GKP PASS 55070 passes through 18 stations on its train route.

Q. What is the origin and destination of NTV GKP PASS 55070?

A. NTV GKP PASS 55070 operates from Kaptanganj Jn to Thawe Jn.

Q. What is the departure time of NTV GKP PASS 55070 from Kaptanganj Jn?

A. As per the 55070 train schedule, NTV GKP PASS 55070 departs from Kaptanganj Jn at .

Q. How many days in a week does NTV GKP PASS 55070 operate?

A. As per the 55070 time table, NTV GKP PASS runs 7 days in a week.

Q. What is the code of the origin station for 55070 NTV GKP PASS?

A. The code of the origin station for NTV GKP PASS 55070 train is CPJ.

Q. What is the code of the destination station for 55070 NTV GKP PASS?

A. The code of the destination station for NTV GKP PASS 55070 train is THE.