Trains from Agori Khas (AGY) Railway Station
Station Details
Agori Khas
Agori Khas
Total trains
Train Name/No. | Arrives | Departs | Duration | Day of Run | |
13309 Chopan - Prayagraj Express (unreserved) | 11:47 | 11:48 | 1 mins | SMTWTFS | |
53345 Cpu Ald Passenger | 10:08 | 10:09 | 1 mins | SMTWTFS | |
53346 Ald Cpu Passenger | 03:50 | 03:51 | 1 mins | SMTWTFS | |
13310 Prayagraj - Chopan Express (unreserved) | 04:25 | 04:26 | 1 mins | SMTWTFS |
Welcome to Agori Khas Railway Station, Agori Khas
The station code for this station is AGY. A total of 4 trains pass through Agori Khas Railway Station. Get all the information such as - Arrival, Departure, Train Number, Stops, Stoppage time, Days of Run and Timings about the trains passing through Agori Khas.
Some of the trains that arrive at Agori Khas Railway Station are 13309 Chopan - Prayagraj Express (unreserved), 53345 Cpu Ald Passenger, 53346 Ald Cpu Passenger, 13310 Prayagraj - Chopan Express (unreserved)
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. How many trains originate from Agori Khas Railway Station?
Q. What is the Indian Railway station code for Agori Khas Railway Station?
Q. How many trains pass through Agori Khas Railway Station?
Q. Is there free wifi available at Agori Khas Railway Station?
Q. When does the first train arrive at Agori Khas Railway Station?
- The first train, Ald Cpu Passenger (53346), arrives at Agori Khas Railway Station at 03:50.
- For more information on train schedules, arrivals, and departures from Agori Khas Railway Station, kindly visit our website.